Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Event Announcement - Bake Fest #19

Dear Friends 

I am very happy to host this event announcement for May Month and I am immensely thankful to Vardhini of CooksJoy who allowed me to host for a very special May Month because May Month is important month as It has Mother's Day. It is celebrated all over the world as Mom is the best and empowers in family life!

I am so happy for this month as my mother is special so all you does the same. I would like each and everyone blogger and non blogger friends to post very unique or creative ideas for baking as well as broiled recipes on the eve of Mother's Day who loves the surprises by Mom and bake according to your mom's favorite ones or make it as an surprise ones and would like you to post the recipes to my event and vardhini's event announcement.  

As per as May Month all over the world is on May 12th Please bake it accordingly and make surprising baked main dishes and desserts for your mom and mother-in-law who made for you and most memorable moments in life.

Rules to be followed:

  1. This event runs from May 1st to May 31st 
  2. Send in any recipe which has been baked or broiled
  3. Please send vegetarian and vegan recipes only.We normally accept eggs for baking and hence eggs are allowed.
  4. Usage of this logo is appreciated as it helps to spread the word.
  5. Please link to  Vardhini's BAKE FESTAnnouncement and my event announcement which is mandatory.If sending the older entries, it needs to be re-published with the links
  6. You can send in any number of fresh entries and 2 archived entries are accepted too.
  7. Non Bloggers are also welcome.Please post your Name and Recipe Name along with the ingredients,method/preparation of step by step wise and few pictures of the recipe.Mail me to tangymindsachu@gmail.com along with subject named as Event Announcement - BakeFest #19
Let's bake and go for your surprising ideas and post your innovative recipes of which you make it for mother's favorite ones and others :)

We are looking for your innovative recipes and post it in linky tools as given.

Good Luck :)

Happy Baking!!!


  1. Happy hosting...try to participate...

  2. Happy hosting Archana.. Have linked in my entry dear :-)

  3. Thank you for hosting, Archana.

  4. Hi Archana
    Happy Hosting!! linked my entry..will try to send some more..

  5. Hi archana, linked my recipe but gave the name wrong as my name..cudnt change it now..could u change it as New york cheesecake with mango jello topping...Thanks in advance

  6. Hi, I have linked my Glazed Orange Cake recipe but for some reason I am unable to save your logo. I tried it in different browsers but didn't work. I wonder why it's happening. Can you please double check and let me know? Thanks.

  7. Please ignore my previous comment. I managed to save the logo from Vardhini's site.


Thanks for stopping by! :) I look forward to hearing from you of any commrnts on my blog ,suggestions and requests Please follow my blog..
Feel free to email me @ tangymindsachu@gmail.com